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Sunrise on Nature

Our Money Stories
Planting More Than We Will See



Knox is growing! Our relationships are flourishing and our reach into the community is deeper as we live into our vision of being a spiritual and relational hub in our community.

For six years, we have nurtured new friendships and partnerships and have tried new and hybrid activities to meet our neighbours. We are seeing new shoots and branches emerge that hold the promise of life-giving connections as we live into a new way of being church — and a new story.

in Threes

For us to live and grow into this new story, we need to do three things:

Create a non-profit society

Aligned with our core values, this society will nurture and innovate the directions of our growth. It will bring a wider, more diverse funding base along with deeper input and more hands to help.

Give voice to the whole community

To bridge the gap between what happens on Sunday and during the rest of the week, we’ll provide a platform to hear, share and nurture our community's hopes, dreams, goals, and challenges. 

Honour our space

Our building is an important asset to our success. We need to create welcoming space and maintain it for generations to come. With a $32,000 annual investment, we can ensure that our building will continue to provide a home that is safe, secure, and suited to help us grow into the community god is calling us to be.

To achieve this, we need to grow our positions to do the work effectively. Specifically we need a:

Community Engagement Leader

This position already exists and is evolving as our ministry expands.

Communications Manager

We currently have a very part-time position, but need to add to our capability to share what is happening, invite participation to help build excitement and strengthen connections in the neighbourhood and beyond.

Operational and
Administrative Support

To ensure that building use, development, communication, and community engagement are all supported, we need a person dedicated to making sure everything runs smoothly day by day.


Our Money Stories:
Planting More than We Will See

Live into a new money story, beginning with your commitment to Knox Presbyterian Church! 

like trees

Trees have much to teach us about growth, about flourishing, about producing fruit, but also about working together in community. Science has shown how trees work together, sharing resources through their root systems, giving shade to tender shoots, and providing a home for life beyond their own. You can help us change our collective story and nurture this new growth through your sharing, getting involved, and by sharing your resources for the healing of our world.

Sprout—10% increase in congregational giving: $279,191 
Planting a sprout with a 10% increase in your annual giving would help us increase the hours for our Communications person from 4 to 8, increase administrative support by ½ day, and $5,000 to our building reserve fund. 

Seedling—20% increase in congregational giving: $304,572 
Planting a seedling by increasing giving by 20% would mean all that the sprout provides plus an increase of hours to the Community Engagement position (moving away from grant funding), and $10,000 for our building reserve fund.

Sapling—30% increase in congregational giving: $329,953
Planting a sapling, at 30% increased giving, would mean an additional 12 hours a week for the Communications position, and increase the Community Engagement position to ¾ time and $15,000 for the building reserve fund

“The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”


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