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Knox's Sanctuary


Sunday Services

We worship together on Sunday mornings

at 10:30am in the hall.

Services are open to everyone


Past Services

Our recent online services can be accessed through our Youtube channel: Knox Presbyterian Calgary by clicking the link below.

  • Knox's YouTube Channel

Prayer Requests

At Knox praying for and with one another is an integral part of our life together as a community of faith. Please send us any prayer requests along with how or if you would like any follow up.

Children & Youth  Education

Every member of our church family from newborn to elder is a valued part of our community. The church is one of the few places in our society where children can experience being in a multi-generational community. So many of our children’s activities are formed around peer age groups, but at church, children have the opportunity to have friends of all ages.


Some of the most wonderful friendships form as pre-schoolers adopt a new grandma or grandpa sitting in the pew beside them. There are no shortage of willing arms to hold a newborn, giving mom and dad a few minutes break.

Kids' Ministries

In the nursery, parents of our pre-schoolers gather, share stories and support one another. Youth sit down and talk about their lives and hear the life-stories of seniors within the congregation. Together we are the family of God, where each person, young to old, has gifts to offer and receives care within this community of help, home and hope.


Our Sunday morning Children’s Worship programs run year-round from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. and include:


  • Nursery

  • Grade Kindergarten to Grade 4 group

  • Grade 5 and up group

Calgary children
calgary hopscotch
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